• No. 25 Okeagbe Street, Garki II, Abuja FCT
  • Mon - Fri 8.00 - 17.00. Sunday CLOSED

Fund Raising Campaign

Fund Raising Campaign

The plight of Africans in the hands and operations of multi-national oil Companies cannot but be bemoaned, ranging from environmental degradation, lack of proper and adequate measures for remediation to lack of corporate social responsibility amongst other crimes against host communities, individuals, local companies and humanity at large. Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited and by extension it’s mother company ( Exxon Mobil Incorporation) has perpetuated the greatest of all known corporate heist in the oil and gas industry in the world here in Nigeria and seem to be getting away with it but, we trust that with the help of man and woman of goodwill; justice shall prevail and restitution made to those who are recipients of this mind-blowing injustice.

This Fund Raising Campaign is most important to help us muster enough financial muscle to withstand he financial war chest of “Mobil”; who have enormous and unquantifiable financial resources at their disposal to truncate justice whilst perpetuating injustice at the highest level of corporate practice, operations and international law and best practices obtainable in the oil and gas industry.

A brief summation of our unsavory and heart breaking experience in dealing with “Mobil” can be narrated thus:
1. Sometime in 1980, “Mobil” had serious challenges in their operations which pertained to corrosive issues and employed or retained the services of various teams of “white-skinned” researchers and scientist to find a solution to their corrosive problems hindering their operations; lo and behold, all efforts by these researchers and scientists proved unsuccessful and abortive. A staff of “Mobil ” and brother to the chief executive officer and managing director of an indigenous Company (Comandclem Nig limited) was approached with the corrosive problems of “Mobil” and an initial meeting was held by the above referred to CEO/MD (Rev. King J.C.A. Uwemedimo) and a team of management staff of “Mobil” at the office of “Mobil”.

2. “Mobil” were skeptical that a “black” man or scientist could procure a solution to their problem; as many “white skinned” scientists had copiously failed and could not find a solution. However, since their operations was in dire situations and they were desperate, they felt they had nothing to loose by giving him a “shot”. Note however that at this preliminary stage, no agreements were signed but verbal agreements were reached to the effect that:
a. That in the event of the success of Comandclem Nigeria limited solving their (Mobil’s) peculiar problem; two dollars per barrel of oil and for all derivatives therefrom shall be paid to Comandclem Nigeria limited as well as royalties for the invention whilst a factory would be built in Nigeria to be jointly run and managed by the both parties.

After the success of our Comandclem’s efforts however, “Mobil” reneged on paying the said two dollars and also breached the gentlemanly agreement to build a factory in Nigeria for the ultimate and unique “anti corrosive special paints” which was the culmination and invention of the solution;not just to the problem then faced by “Mobil”; but to all stakeholders in the oil and gas industry globally. Most alarmingly; “Mobil went ahead to fraudulently, deceitfully and criminally start production of the said Anti corrosive special paints through one of its affiliates in Netherlands after it deceitfully obtained the formula for production of the said Anti corrosive special paints. “Mobil” is not denying the above fact of their production of the said special paints and it is beyond dispute that they are mass producing same not just their use but for commercial purposes and sale to other oil and gas Companies in the world; without which paints, no substantial production of crude oil, gas and their derivatives would be viable or commercially productive.

3. A long and tortious litigation, which has gulped millions of Naira (local Nigerian currency) and other foreign currencies have been expended by Comandclem Nigeria limited fighting for justice but “Mobil” deployed its enormous financial resources to take advantage of the corruption inherent in the Nigerian judicial system to truncate and negate justice at the Supreme Court of Nigeria; where the case was not considered or heard on the merit but was dismissed on “technical” grounds on the sole basis that Comandclem Nigeria limited filed an inchoate “notice of withdrawal” of the said case at the said court, without taking cognizance of the “Rules” of the said court to the effect that any such notice of withdrawal MUST be served on the other party (which process was not served on “Mobil”) for it to be binding before the parties to the suit and the court.

4. It is equally very pertinent to point out that it is not in dispute that Comandclem Nigeria limited validly obtained the patent right over the said invention in 1999 in Nigeria and subsequently in Switzerland and no other person or entity can lay claim to the invention of these unique and special Anti corrosive paints invented by Comandclem Nigeria limited; for which, late Rev. King J.C.A. Uwemedimo was recognized and awarded the prestigious honor of “WORLD INVENTOR OF THE YEAR” by the world scientific body and umbrella Association and to cap it all, was invited personally by the queen of England and was accordingly, also recognized and honored by the Queen of England.

5. Sadly, instead of being rewarded by “Mobil” for his ground breaking and unique invention, Late Rev. King J.C.A. Uwemedimo was vilified, hounded, intimidated and incarcerated at the detention centre of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission in pitch darkness for over six months through the instrumentality of “Mobil”; and this led to his total blindness after his release and the trauma he experienced eventually led to his untimely death without enjoying or savoring the fruits of his hard work. The ordeal of late Rev. King J.C.A. Uwemedimo can best be glimpsed through his narrations before his untimely death thus:
Premised on the above and the fact that justice cannot be obtained in the courts of Nigeria in certain high profile cases such as this concerning rich multi national oil Companies and the nonchalance of the Nigerian government in protecting the right of its citizens and their intellectual property; we have no other option but to resort to seeking redress in the international court in Netherlands. We know that the criminal justice system is not prone to manipulation and corruption as in Nigeria, though the financial burden is neck breaking on our part and pocket; hence this clarion call for moral support and financial assistance in form of FUND RAISING.

Be informed that, as revealed by the late inventor (Rev. King J.C.A. Uwemedimo); Jesus Christ who revealed the formula for him to invent the said special paints strictly and unequivocally told him that the financial proceeds or monies to be realized from the said invention are not “his”; but should be considered as the commonwealth of all African and should be deployed extensively towards the welfare and betterment of all African people and humanity at large.
This clarion fund raising call should be supported by all men and women of goodwill with whatever financial assistance so as to enable us match the financial implications of prosecuting a case of this magnitude in the international fora. All donations should be remitted to our Organizational coffers with the following details:1. (INSERT DETAILS OF INTERSWITCH ETC)
Remain blessed as you join us in this divine course which will ultimately be beneficial to us all as our Organization is poised and mandated to utilize the major part of any proceeds from the remuneration a and royalties accruing from the said invention to provide:
a. Free housing
b. free education
c. Free agricultural support
d. Free medical care
e. free care and support for the aged, women, children and the less privileged
f. Support with infrastructure in rural and urban centers to compliment governmental efforts amongst others.
Thank you all very much
Iky Nwaneri
(Chairman, Board of Trustees. ALO)

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